Sunday, September 13, 2009

“Why say no to elder court uncle……?

“Why say no to elder court uncle……?

The day I heard that there are all women police stations, all women buses and the government is planning to start all women courts for the cause, welfare and justice of women. I am forced to think if above is true for cause of women; then what crime we children have done?

Why can’t we have all children court where children will be the judges to decide on child custody matters?

I have experienced that these elders have not understood that a child need both parents since independent India in 1947. It is these elders only who have first made women and child development ministry and then later allowed women issues to highjack child issues. It is these elders only who are not separating this ministry to work for real child welfare.

Now, I am forced to believe that these elders are not capable to understand children’s requirement and work for child welfare.

It is these elders only because of which we children’s have suffered for decades. It is these elders only who have used as an extortion tool. These elders have failed to understand that we are a child but not extortion or a blackmailing tool. It is these elders only who have treated my father as an ATM machine. It is because of these elders I was called “fatherless” and my father was “childless” for decades.

It is these elders only who have not allowed us to have access to love and affection of father for decades. It is these elders only who think that giving access to father to see child is for the welfare of father and not for child. It is these elders only who have given indefinite multiple dates for decades thinking matrimonial disputes will be over automatically by the passage of time.

One day a big court uncle said in his judgment that I can’t get love and affection of father as there is no female at my father’s house. They fail to see that I wanted love of father not anything else and they focused on everything else except my love towards my father. In last date in my child custody matter court uncle asked my father that what benefit he will get if he will see me? As if meeting child is for welfare of father but not for me. These elder do not recognize my right to have equal time with both parents.

I sincerely believe that these elders have failed to understand the pain of children who are caught in matrimonial disputes. These elders will never understand that a child needs both parents. These elders think that my issues are small. Brothers of my age group understand better that “we may be small but our issues are BIG”.

A child can only understand the pain of other child and I not only want but demand of separate children courts where children will be the judges to decide on child custody matters. I am a child and I understand that a child needs both parents.

If we children were the judges then there would not have been any requirement for rescue brother adithya ( and no Maqdoom uncle ( would have ended life for child.

-We do not want elder court uncle to decide child custody matters, we children are better to decide them judiciously-
Thank you !